1 man 3 hours including dirt dumping. This client
wanted to lay their own turf but got our experts in
to rip up the old stuff and remove it from site. We
then levelled the area and spread premium under turf
soil ready for laying. @ Everton Park
Preparation, Key, New, Grass, PreparationKeyNewGrass,
June14, EvertonPark, Queensland, Brisbane,
YouTube Video Link:-
Monday to Saturday (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM)
ABN 78010687671
Rogers Little Loaders
Call: 0468 477 937
Email: rogerslittleloaders@gmail.com
Location #1: 1A Church Street North, Redbank, QLD 4301, Australia
Location #2: 3 Mountridge St, Everton Park QLD 4053, Australia
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