Transition your workplace management with an ISO compliant health and safety management system! Get help from the experts at Compliancehelp to transition your workplace management to follow the ISO 45001 standard that addresses all requirements of occupational safety and health or OHS. Our specialised ISO 45001 consultants will support you with proven guidance on how to develop an effective OHS management system that covers all risks and health interests of your workers. Our ISO consultation services that will help you develop a compliant OHS management system are:
• Consultation to determine the OHS needs of the business,
• Gap analysis of the existing health and safety management system,
• Modification of the OHS management system with documentation,
• Implementation support and training for the OHS management system,
• Internal auditing to ensure compliance with ISO 45001 requirements.
We will help your business through the process of switching to the new improved OHS management system. So, get in touch with us today!
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